Monday, March 28, 2016

Girlfriend at Restaurant (The big moment) Part 5

Story till now: I went to meet my friend at restaurant but find my dream girl and she gave me her number i called her and finally we meet at the beach but that was more a truth meet were she told me that Her real name is not what she told me and i m in shock 

Well listening to her real name was not the most shocking thing that I heard in present and past times of mine, but actually it was surprising to me that she trust to give me her no. when she didn't even told her real name, I guess that solved the problem of not finding her on fb and eventually on tweeter my new girl finder / Informer , fb is been a hope for every guy who is think that he will have a chance on a single girl how is available on fb to see her find basic about her and in many cases become the reason to  have very 1st conversation.

Deadpan Face

Anyway when I thinking all that in my mind I was giving her a deadpan look Cos she lied to me and now all I see a sheepish grin face. Looking at me probably think that “why did I said my real name ?”
She :  Agrh!, ok h sorry , now will you stop giving me that look

I kept quiet and keep my look upfront cos I was in the middle of the question storm of why’s, so I finally break the death silence and asked her why?

She : when I saw you, you look a simple guy although you was stalking me that time but still you look diffract then other stalkers, that one thing made me give you my number

Wow 1st of all thanks for this compliant with comment Cos I’m happy that I got number but what is that "thing" that made you gave me your number but not your real name, 2nd tell me that god damn “thing”

Me: Oh k, I get it, I think.

And aging the silence, but sometimes it is good to be silent, you hold your mouth shut and let the eyes do the taking but in this hour both my senses were silent so I decided to go the normal way around

Me: So tell me about yourself, the true real you
She: Ohki, now you know my name, real name and I’m really from Tezpur, aaaaaand what else you want to know?
Me: what about family bro sis
She: My dad is manager in a company, mom housewife and I have one elder sis named sheetel

Whaaaat!! sheetel again, so that proves two thinks one she is close to her sis 2nd she is a decent girl Cos she couldn't go beyond her sis name to fool me, if she was a regular girl how fool guys around, she could have used a different name, so I’m on the right track, she as amazing as I saw her for the 1st time

Me: Really! So you used her name to fool me
She: (Smiling) yea, Hahaha…
Me: So I’m dating two sisters at the same time
She: Sorry?
Me: Ya, by name I’m dating your sis and in realty I’m dating you
She: Oh, hmmmmmm
Me: Hmmmmmm
She:  But when did I said it's a said it's a date
Me: It's not a date?

Whaaaaat?  that's the last thing that's I want to hear, will 2nd last the last thing will she calling me bro , my ear drum will bust is she did that to me, I even don’t want to get that thoughts in my head,

Me: Oh ya it’s not a date, it’s not a date (sad)

My head fell down like a leaf fell downs from the tree in autumn, sometimes I hate to over think of something which is simple and sweet and my activity blend with my big mouth ends up in me standing alone on “no man’s land”.

She: Hahaha, look at you, small baby, if you want it to call a date I’m fine but don't expect much
Me: Yeeeees! I mean I won't, it's enough that you call it as a date

We looked at each other and in that moment there was something mystical in the air, something that keep telling me that. “She is the one Destin to become the love of your life” we smile and noticed at be are almost at the stating of sea like this is the point where a new love story starts,

She stated telling me about her family, relatives and other close people, it was like I just mate a different girl, she talk really fast, it’s like she wants to tell everything in a single berth, I have mate only 3 girls like that including her but seriously, god had crafted her so well that she transform from one expression to another in no time, that was a most amazing thing I saw in a long time she was funny, lovely and … uff I guess I already in love with her.

She keeps on telling about herself it’s like now she has decided to prove me that, who really is she? But to honest I have entered in a phase were all thing one side and she is one side, except when she talk about her so many friends, this the one more thing that never understand about girls, She is a girl so how come she have more friends in boys, that makes me so jealous and made me feel comparative and she have to tell me about all of them, I mean C’mon don’t you have some girls to whom I can flirt and make you feel jelly.

She finished her big background details and took a deep breath like she was waiting for that so long, by the time she done sun has fallen into sea, which remind me that we have to move towards home Cos its actually getting late,

Me: I guess we should go
She: ya its getting dark out here and if I’m late my friends will kill me, as it’s my turn to cook
Me: wow you cook
She: Weren’t you listening to my story?
Me: Oh yes , oh yes I remember , my bad

Someday I will end up in dead zone cos my bad listing skills but what should I do, in front of her my senses become non senses

She: you didn’t tell me about you?
Me: next time, it’s getting late
She stops in the middle of the road
She: Nho I want to know now

Someone said beautifully “a woman is equal to 10 men” it’s just Cos 9 out of 10 men will fall in for her pretty face and last one who think he can handle the face with die on the cute smile so I have to choose now either I have to be among with 9 guys and live or be like the 10th one and die, do or die people

Me: Oh k, fine, what you want to know?
She : every thing
Me : oh k then, I live with family here in Chennai……………..

And I stared, family, friends, college, every possible thing that I could remember that I can tell her hanging out with strangers in college conference cos I hardy go out for fun, but I was enjoying it, all I was looking at her smiling, laughing, feeling sad and in mid of that she asked “ do I have a gf ?” I said “nho” she “so any crush?” well that question made me sad and told her the truth, I can see her face getting low as mine and I end it on a sad note but I added her to make that note a happy note smiled and point out at a house

She: I live there,

Ok I saw her room, yes yes yes!

Me : Oh k cool

And my phone ring, I was in tight jeans so it was hard for me to take it out so was using both my hand and were next moment shocked me, here I was stuck in the moment to get my mobile out of my jeans and the few second later I feel two hands warping around me, a face resting on my chest, and a big turbulence of emotions, my eyes started stretched out wider and wider and all I was doing is looking down at her then looking at the black gate in front of me, I guess I was doing like that for 2 min , cos I was still in shock that this is really happing ,With very next tick of the clock I feel something inside me, by body heating up, BP gone crazy, slightly shivering body, breath going low and low and on the face I have the biggest smile I got, it was like in between a proud smile and a victory smile, I took a deep breath and my chest increases by 1 inches and then she stared rubbing her head over it, it was like she was searching for the sweet spot to feel comfy and with that my eyes close and I got one the most amazing hug ever .

This situation didn’t end here , even though I was amazed, my mind keep saying “ hold her in your arms” but he forgot that , my hands is stuck in the pocket and frankly in don’t want to disturb her, I was worried that if I draw my hands out she my get disturb and this hug will come to an end and don’t want it end this soon, I want this go as gone as possible, even universe wants that too , I felt time, space etc., all become irrelevant, I enter in a null point where I feel only and only her , her face, her arms, hear hair, her body, Haaaaaaa! I have no idea how long it whet,  but if felt like complete from inside.

After some time she move her hand and moved back, me still eyes close and both hand in the pocket standing and smiling, I slowly opened my eyes,  she looked at me and I was looking at her , she was turn all red ,like a cute red balloon, her hairs are in front of her face and she looked down to ground, phew she was amazing , she pull her hair back and gave me a “Mona Lisa” smile and said

She : oh k ! I guess I should be going , yep I should go , ha, well I must go , ok I have go no……….(whispering to her )

She turn around and went inside that black gate and I was still standing in front of that gate, sanding keeping my hands in the pocket for 5 min, I was like that looking at the gate physically but mentally I was still in the hug enjoying those moments again and again, and the my mobile rang again and i saw 8 misscalls from my mom , dude I’m dead

Somehow I reached home my mom all angry, that were I was and why I was late and all the questions but all I said that I will talk to you tomorrow , cos I was tired or I was not able to answer as I’m mentally stuck in the hug and I was semi blush, I went to my room turn off the light and cove myself under the blanket but could not sleep, as I close my eyes the moments start telecasting in front of me and it made smile, blush and I wake up Ah! Man that was the longest night ever or the blushes night every.

Well that the story till this post stay tune to know what happen next , do i tell her i love her , will she become my love life 

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