Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Girlfriend at Restaurant

It’s been hard live in home doing nothing, so my imaginary friend called me to meet me in a restaurant near his place, well it took me 2 hrs to find the restaurant as it was new and have a very simpler name like other restaurant because of  which Google keep asking me “did you mean this…” but any way I was late but guess what,  my dear friend was not even there leaving a text on whatsaap “busy for gf” and went to mood up her girlfriend, Thank gosh I don’t have any, will the place was good so I have decided to go and have look at food because da! I had spent 50 bucks to come from my place, who wana lay waste to it.

As I entered and got a warm welcome and a beautiful receptionist but this thing worried me a lot as I have simple fanda , warm entry leads to cold pockets but that is not destine for me as the evening is about to turn beautiful .

I was about ask the cute receptionist to guide me to her room but she straight told me to stop! Before i say something, but she did appreciate my try’s try, in a moment she is about to ask my number to call me afterword’s but instead of that she told me that they are full and no table, sadly how hope less I can be in my own imagination and it seems to be the end of the line, but because of my non charming, extra horrible handsome looks she said there is a table half reserved  and I can have meal over there,  she pointed out her finger in the direction of dreams and I saw her i was like the fast forward of the slow motion movie, moving towards the table.

It was 3rd table from the end and there was this girl how half reserved the table, she was amazing, her hair was shaded brown with red striped hair in front, bright skin tone, she was wearing a black and green top with green cross lining making squared all over the dress  and in those squares there was red flowers with a red stone in center of it, her rings and a sexy tattoo on her shoulder made me think that she is may be from fashion world, her face remains mystery for a while but hair could not hide her pike baby lips and her bonus smile, killer.

I reach to the table and I asked “if you don’t mind, I would like to ask you to have dinner with me on this table so that I can impress you for tonight and make our night so exciting that we do all the good stuff to become stranger in the morning as we will be done with each other by the morning??.....”.

Na, I really can’t say to any girl in my life time, what I actually said will be available in my next post so stay tuned if you like it and in any case you don’t send this blog link to park you friends saying you find a nice trick to have a girlfriend I hope they may like it.  

Like it shear it and pleas do follow this blog. 

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