Sunday, January 17, 2016

Girlfriend at Restaurant (Part 4) The Call

Story till now: I went to meet my friend at restaurant but find my dream girl and she gave me her number but i haven't talked to her (for detail story part one Click here and for part 2 Click here

Now it’s been 2 days that I have her number with me but I haven’t called her yet, well 1st day passed in this excitement that I have her number and 2nd day asking myself, what I will do with her number? Cos I don’t have any idea what I’m gona say once she is on the phone, to end this trail I called my friend and went over his place to solve the problem, it was not the best idea I have but It was better than giving him, her number and calling her in my behalf.

I reached his placed and before I say anything he stated,

Buddy: who is she, wait! Don’t tell me that, hooooow issss sheeeeeeeeeeee ?
Me: (eyes closed) well she is amazing and beautiful and sweet and cute, I can feel her face, so soft
Buddy: it’s my face you feeling right now
Me: aaaaaaaaaaheeeeee!
Buddy: hahahaha! Dude look at you
Me: ahhhhh, what to do man, I can’t stop thinking of her, she is just so perfect, man! I can’t stop thinking about her
Buddy: chill we will find a way to contact her
Me: aaaaaah well I have her number,
Buddy : what! You have what?
Me : (slowly) her number
Buddy : then what the hell you are waiting for, call her and tell her that you like it
Me : han, and then what, she will send me a marriage proposal,
Buddy: No at-least she will know what you feel and don’t worry if you fail, I will take care of her

That time I was like “I will kill you if you say one more word”

Buddy : chill don’t give me “I will kill you” look, now tell me what you want from me
Me : I want you to tell me what to say to her
Buddy : ok, wait here I will right back

After 15 min of shuffling stuff he came back with a small paper, kind a like old, must be not in use for decades

Buddy : call her and say this, exactly word by word

In the paper : hi! How are you (wait for her response…..), oh great, so what’s going on (if she say, nothing you say) same here  (and if she say busy) oh sorry if I disturb you, (now ask her when is she free) are you free coming Saturday (Saturdays are best cos less rush and also Cos every one plans Sunday) ok (if she say yes ) cool, would you like to join me on a small trip from your place to the Beach (If no then) well I was thinking if you can find some time to go to the beach ( in yes tell her the timing, and if no then you are hopeless try next time )

Me : what is this ?

Buddy : this the ultimate solution for anyone who is talking 1st time over phone, we call it “BOL” “Brahmastra of love”, try it
Me : oh k let’s do, yes! yes!, oh come on let’s do it ya baby let’s do, huhu, yaaaaaaaaaaa
Buddy : done, now call
Me : okay, hmmmmmmmm huuuuuuuuuuu, ringing
Unknown : hello ! hello?
Me : (droping the call) it’s her it’s her
Buddy : she is not a ghost, why  are you so scared!

Ya right, if you were in my place then we will talk

Me : ok one more,

Call connected

Unknown : hello !
Me : hello,(sweating)  its Himanshu can… I…. talk…. to sheetel….
Unknown : sheetel, who ?
Me: sheetel Nima ?
Unknown : sorry wrong number (call drop )
Me : wrong number !
Buddy : wrong number ?
Me : ya she said wrong number
Buddy : ahhh I got it
Me : what ?
Buddy : that one girl from restaurant made clown out of you
Me: Clown, meh! You kidding

Well from the inside I feel the same, I feel like I was fooled again but how, she look so great, she leave a note to me yet she did that, why? She could have just told me that I m a joker

(Mobile ringing)

Me: (sad and slow) hello ?
Unknown: (In a girl voice) is Himanshu there?
Me: yes speaking
Unknown : ya, Hi Himanshu this is sheetel here,
Me : what ? sorry ?
Unknow : (smilling voice) sheetel here !
me : sheetel ? Sheetel ! sheetel, sheetel
she: hahahaha , so how are and why haven’t you call me,
me : ya I was ………………….
Buddy : busy busy !
Me : fusy , I mean busy, I was busy
She : oh k,
Me to buddy : what do I do? What do I do ?
Buddy : read the paper
Me: sheteel !
She : yes

Me : (scared and reading the paper) hi! How are you (wait for her response…..), oh great, so what’s going on (if she say, nothing you say) same here  (and if she say busy) oh sorry if I disturb you, (now ask her when is she free) are you free coming Saturday (Saturdays are best Cos less rush and also Cos every one plans Sunday) ok (if she say yes ) cool, would you like to join me on a small trip from your place to the Beach (If no then) well I was thinking if you can find some time to go to the beach ( in yes tell her the timing, and if no then you are hopeless try next time )

She : hahahahah!

Buddy tapping his forehead and abusing me , then went inside his room, leaving me all wet in sweat and I’m just hoping not to wet myself from down below,

She : did you just read the “BOL”?

What? She knows about the “Bol”, why, why she knows everything, will she give me any chance to prove myself that I’m a normal cool dude,

Me : you know about “ BOL”
She : Yep, my boyfriend, I mean my friends boyfriend told me 

Fewf! She scared me for a min, I mean she-boyfriend, It might have ended all here,

Me : ohk then I will ask you directly, are you free on coming Saturday
She : Why? Cos Saturday is less crowdie, hahahah
Me : yes ! noh , I mean I’m free on Saturday
She : oh, hmmm hmm hmmm
Me : what ?
She : I can’t stop myself laughing, 
Me : why, whats wrong ?
She : I never thought someone actually use “ BOL” on me, haha
Me : ya right, !
She : don’t be angry I’m not making fun of you, it’s just I never imagine
Me : oh k I m not “angry” just,…. Ok I call you later

I drop the call, I was tensed, fooled, and most important confused, what happened with me? I mean I fooled myself then I drop the call then and now I feel angry that why I did that, was I angry on her or I was angry on myself, After 15 min I called her back

Me : helloooooooo                                    
She : hmmmmm
Me : sorry, sheetel, I was confused and was feeling like I made fool out of myself that’s why I drop the call
She : its ok Himanshu, look I believe in talking up to the face so you don’t need to use any help, just say it, let go your fears
Me : ya, you are right, so can I give one more try
She : go ahead
Me : hi are you free this Saturday Cos I want to take you to the beach near to you place
She : yes I’m free meet me at RTO bus stop at 5
Me : Am or Pm?
She : hahahah! Will you come at 5 AM
Me : for you, yaaaaaaaaaaa
She : hahaha , so sweet but its PM , 5 PM don’t be late
Me : Yep, I wont
She : now that’s what I call a true call, ok bye, see you then
Me : bye dear (call drop)

Yaaaaaaaaaaaaa! Huuuuuuuuuuuuu! Yessssssss! yesssssssssssss! Yessssssssssssssss! She said yes she said yes she said yes

Buddy : what happen ?
Me : she said yes !
Buddy : yes, yes , I told you it is all cos of “BOL”

For a moment I looked at him like America if looking at dancing Bin Laden, and just want to drop a nuke on him, Cos of him I almost destroy everything, but he helped me so decide not to blast him off

Well it was decided Saturday 5 pm at RTO bus stop, will this the 1st time I’m going to meet her after the restaurant, I was so excited and so confused that I didn’t notice the day passing, you know they say “if you are deeply in someone time become irrelevant without them”, well in the meantime to Saturday I have called her like 4 times just for casual talk but none of the call last no longer than 2 minutes but in that 6 min and 24 second I come to know her favorite colors are black and red, she work here in company which I have no idea, she is the only girl in the family, well this will help in our next meet.

Its Saturday morning 4 am, frankly speaking it’s been a long time that I have seen the 4 in the morning, cos i use to see the same, when I was in college, the night before exams, after that this the one, I was excitedly freaked out that I’m on a date, well it’s not a date but kinda feel like a date, I got all set 3 alarms of 15:30, 15:45 and 15:50 if I felt asleep, a comb, Deo and extra cash in the bag, well if you thinking why I’m carrying a bag ,Cos I never go out without a bag with me, it feels empty without it, it’s my metaphor.

I fall asleep at 13:00 but auto wake up at 15:15 Cos I went too far in my dreams, it was amazing but I have to face the realty, I got ready and reach the bust stop running and exhaling sharp at 16:59 and yet I saved a min, yeaaaaaaaaa, but what I found she was not here, I called her and all I can hear is “The number you trying to call is not reachable pleas try after sometime” and then same in hind and Tamil, now I’m getting restless not because I catch a bus running and jump out of it, it’s because its 17:15, I looked here and there for next 10 mins and on a sudden there she is walking towards the bus stop.

God she look so stunning, Dark Blue-black top with red leggings, wow! She was wearing a black Oval Sunglasses which makes her looks so cool that in the mid of summers I can feel the chillness around me, here hair was bouncing and flying in air, like they were talking to wind, when she twist her head to cross the road her hair wrap her around as if they also wants to feel the her soft pinky chicks, man! If I have to see her a minute longer I will melt here, she came closer and closer with every second like some dream land princess is coming towards you and with that I close my eyes.

A moment later someone wagged me and when I open my eyes it was like getting up from one dream and entering into another, she was here in front of me and the best part, she was the one right now holing me, her hand was on my shoulder, waaaaaaaaaaaow! This ! is! Sooooooooooooo! Amazinggggggggggggggg!

She: Hi, are you ok
Me : yesssssssssssssssssssss…………
She : ok so how are you?
Me: I’m good (way too good)
She : Cool, well sorry I’m late it’s just my office gigs ………………..

Again it’s all BLA BLA BLA for me I can’t of pass her looks the way she gives her expression, her dark black eyebrows goes up and down in anger, she twist her head giving me a fine chance to observe her, this time its blue ear ringing casted in silver lining, light red lipstick and when she put her hand on forehead, the final look at her hand, 4 rings in all four fingers like the symbols of 4 seasons and her creative black red nail polish, man I love her looks.

She : …… and that’s why was late
Me : Han!
She : I’m so sorry !
Me : no no its ok I was fine, by the way you look great
She : Thank you, you so sweet, even you look good (looking me top to bottom) just tell me why you jeans is all wet?

With that I come to notice that, the chillness I was feeling a moments ago was because of the chill water which is no longer in the bottle but it is all over my jeans, very good some days ago I was about wet over the mobile now I done that here, fantastic,

Me : It’s just water from the bottle
She : you ok
Me : ya ya , let’s take an auto to beach
She : why? I mean let’s walk
Me : walk ?
She : ya I love to walk , but if you have issues then…
Me : no no I even love to walk, it’s just I never thought you love to walk
She : ya I love to

We took ice creams and stared moving towards the beach which is approx. 1.1 km but I took 1.3 km to have some extra time with her, which will give me 20~25 mins if we walk and talk

She : so where are you from
Me: I’m from Nagpur origin Rajasthan
She : sorry ?
Me : (smiling)  I belong to Rajasthan but settled in Nagpur
She : ohhhh k
Me : Where are you from ?
She : I’m from Tezpur Assam

Oh so she is from north east cool, maybe that’s why she is so cool

Me :wow, I been to north east
She : really! were
Me : Upper Shillong, I spend my childhood over there, upper Shillong, Jorhat, Guwahati all this places I miss them,
She : hmmm nice places,       
Me : ya

We both smile and then silence for a min

Me : hey you remember when I called you the 1st time
She : ya, the same time you used “BOL” hahaha
Me : yes that time, when I called you 1st who picked up the phone, I mean however it was she said wrong number
She : it was me actually, I usually didn’t give my number to many so I thought some douchebag is disturbing me
Me: oh k, but it was me,
She : that’s why I called back
Me : ya, I thought you gave me someonce else number , Cos the truecaller on my mobile read your number as Jupita or something like that , I thought you fooled me 
She : no no its my number
Me : Ya, this apps and all you can’t just trust them, Huf!

She : Himanshu, I have to say some thing
Me : go ahead you don’t have to take permission
She : My actual name is not Sheetel
Me : what ? sorry ?
She : Huf! One more time, my actual name is not sheetel

Me : what ? then what’s your real name, wait is it what truecaller said!
She : ah han
Me : so your real name is

She: Jupitora, Jupitora Medhi

Well that the story till this post stay tune to know what happen at beach, how I reacted to her new name and what’s her explanation of giving me a wrong name all of that in the next post 

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