Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Girlfriend at Restaurant (Part 3)

Story till now: I went to meet my friend at restaurant but find my dream girl any i haven't talked to her (for detail story part one Click here and for part 2 Click here

I was in front of her she told me her name and then a big silence, I guess we both were planning, well I was, what to say? How to know about her more? But most important can I get her number? Or can I become her friend or will she be willing to meet me again? God why so may question? maybe I’m going to bust myself like the same as the last time, when I was on a date with some I like, that was more like disaster anyway right now the good news is it's not a date and she is not her, so cross fingers

Sheetel and me together: so,

Me: go ahead,
Sheetel: no no you go 1st,
Me: no it's OK ladies 1st,
She: "ladies" hmmm,
Me: Yes! Han?

Shit did I say something wrong, I thought it is gentleman's word, did I say something else gosh help me lady,

She: really so your one of those, Han?
Me: yes!!!!  Wait one of whom?
She: those you know who thinks that ladies needs help of a man to move up and all stuff,
Me: no no I’m not one of them,
She: Then explain me "ladies 1st" wait! before that tell me from which angle I look like a lady to you?

Oh that's the point it's not about the "ladies 1st" it is all about me calling her a lady, instead of girl, I’m trying understand that fact since that time when I called a girl a women and she almost slapped me, god! I was save that day but, why girls get so restless if you call them lady or woman, at the same time if you call a boy a man he will feel awesome, c’mon I not pointing at your youth it was just an expression, you look way to hoooooooot to be aunty for me.

Me: will I believe in gentleman saying, nothing else I just……
She: oh yes! Gentleman huh, are there still gentleman left in this town? 

Her reaction was crazy as if she wants to beat someone real hard, she was red hot angry, you know there are times in once life were they feel that they pissed of someone real bad and they have nothing to say, well I was in the same conditions

She: all they wants my number to piss me off to have all the stuff they want they just S#@%.......

Thank God! Huuuuuuuu, I didn't ask her number man, or I would be the next dish in the menu “Himanshu Bheja fry” but everything is one side and her angry face is on the other side, it was just like, her face alone is the half of universe beyond which I can’t see anything, God this was the one time I like to yelled to be a boy, uff  her anger face got all red, her cute red round nose, her bouncy red chicks ohohooooo I just want do a gogli wogli wosh 

She: ........they try to make us feel like helpless, like we are some toy
Me: hmmmm (lost in her face and smiling)
She :( waving her finger) hello!  Are you listening or again you got lost, and tell me why are you smiling?

This time she was angry for real, you know when girls are not pretending that they are angry but they are angry, this one was that one, I thought she might get cool but my Amazing reaction “a stupid smile” is making her mad, so I decided to tell her the truth

Me: Yes I was lost!
She: were?
Me: in you,
She: what?

My brain: Dude are you crazy, she will eat you like painter Manchurian,
Me: but I have tell her,
My Brain: but let's wait till food,
Me: no no I have to tell her,
She: You Ok!
Me: Ya Ya! I was just,
She: just what?
Me: nothing. I mean your words moved me, so true, why the hell they all act like gunk?

What the hell I’m saying, I thought I will say the truth but I don't want to loss this company tonight even if there is no morning for this relationship 

Me: I believe in friendship, to have friend,
She: hmmmm 

And again the big silence, I hate gentleman words because of that I miss what she was about ask me, maybe she wants to know I’m single, maybe she wants my mobile number, maybe she was about say that I’m so sweet or smart or something that blow my mind, but all went to trash 

She: no that not true nothing went waste and yes you are smart,

Whaaaaaat! What just happens did she really Said that I… M…. smart…., oh yes, yes, yes! I’m, but wait, how does she knows what I’m thinking?  Is I'm thinking to loud that she can hear it, how this happen, I look around conform that I said that in my mind,

She: relax nobody is listening it’s just me 

God! She… is….. Freaking….. me…… out, is it for real, is she a ghost, hoooo, or mutant, who is she, wait! I have to stop talking in head, maybe she is listening, that means she knows all, she was playing with me, she know all, I’m done here dude, I’m alive ahhhh somebody tell me what's going on.

She: hahaha! LOOK AT YOU! Looking like a scared baby, shoooooo sweet (doing me googli wogli bush)

That’s it, I’m dead, that's way beyond my dream, 1st of all she is cute and hot and smart and etc. etc. , 2nd I’m having a dinner with her and now she can read my mind but above all, she did me a googli woogli wosh, now that is insane, I’m dead, its conform, somebody call ambulance a boy without heart is dead whiling losing his heart on a girl.

Me: You for real?
She: sorry!
Me: I mean you are a real girl? No ghost!
She: Han? hahaha, noh hahahaha,
Me: so you are real, hmmmm are you a mutant like jean of x man movie,
She: ha ha ha ha no no, I m a real normal girl, nothing else
Me: Then how come you know all of the thing that I said in my mind,
She: what all things?
Me: this things that you are cute, amazing and all the other question that I asked, well you know all that stuff you have read my mind (sad)
She: hmmm, you really think I’m cute and amazing
Me: well you know that I really think that you are amazing,
She: well 1st off all I have no powers and had not read you mind so….

Wait! What did she just said she have not read my mind, ahhhhhhh may be she is bluffing to read more or she is saying the truth, god is it less confusing that I’m have a word with a girl and now you put the new thing in front of me  

Me: hmmmm anything else to bluff with me, already I have no idea how you are going to react after knowing what I was thinking and yet you have to play with me,

My head was down and red, that happen only two time when I feel shy or when I did something and got caught red handed, this time it’s more red as she is constantly looking at me, C’mon stope looking at me, what you want me to do, a sorry parade 

She: Look Himanhsu, I know you are a sweet guy but I didn’t expect this from you, how can you think about me like this? 

That’s it, she proved she have powers and I’m busted, will I don’t want to be harsh but why girls do this “you are sweet but sorry but we can’t do it” stuff, it’s like Gabber offer a handshake to Thakur in Shola movie 

She: ok you want me to forgive you, then tell me everything you think about me, that’s the only way out

I told her everything in detail about her dress, hair, face, eyes, every single thing that I have noticed in her, sometimes she react shocked, some time she just blushed and looked at me smiling, I try to stop thinking about her but how can I, I mean, look at her, she blushing like a flower blossom in the morning sunshine, ahhhhh but soon it was about to end,

After I finish she looked at me smiling, playing with her noodles and I sat in front of her, scared and waiting for a slap, but noting happened, we finished our dinner in silence, this whole time I was thinking to say sorry but I can’t able to bring that strength to face it, waiter bring the bills, she paid and left, I just saw her going, waiter looked at me and patted my shoulder. I reach the reception, the same cute receptionist was there, I looked at her, gave her a fake smile but she can read my face which was drown in sorrow, she gave me a small card of the restaurant and I moved out, I was looking here and there to have a last glimpse of the girl that almost made my dinner amazing but it was too late.

While I was in the bus I thought to have look that the card, inside that card there was a note 

Unknown: Dear Himanshu, it was very nice to see someone like you, you are a bit flirting type but a true person, so as the award of your honesty I’m leaving my number at the end of this note, do call me when your free and please next time don’t think too much whatever it is say it me. I REALLY DON’T BITE and lastly I really don’t have any powers believe me! 
So stay in touch 
Love Sheetel 

I jumped out of my seat and shouted Yesssssssssssssssssssssss!, and everyone in the bus stat looking at me, I sat down smiling, and saw happy like anything, I was thanking god saying yes! Yes! Yes! In mind like a thousand time, I was shocked about what actually happed, I was totally red again my heart was beating so fast that I can feel it, I want to run, I want to jump it was like I had no control on my own extremities, finally a small start of a beautiful journey.

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Enjoy Reading

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